About the Team

We are SUM.
The Symbiotic Urban Movement.

What we stand for

Creating a renovation and densification strategy where humans, plants and animals all flourish: A Symbiosis.

In cities, attention should be drawn to “sum” as added positive values, of individuals who join together, of synergies and shared perspectives among them and among the sustainability themes they address. Therefore, SUM conveys a strong message: the sum of individuals who through synergetic net-positive interventions stand for a new symbiotic urban movement towards a sustainable future. 


Continuing the SUM story.

We continue as SUM+ to implement our 3 years of research for the Solar Decathlon Europe into the market. Our new name, SUM+, stands for all the things we add to our existing project. Truly creating the future by harnessing the past!

The SUM Project Board

Let's introduce the SUM Project Board.

The Team

62 Members. 25 Nationalities. 9 Disciplines. 4 Faculties. That's SUM.

The Faculty Advisors

Let's introduce our Faculty Advisors.